TAG: Torah, Avodah, G’milut Chasadim


TAG is our sixth through tenth grade program. Here we take what we’ve learned as children and put it into practice! Classes run from 6:30-8:00 on Wednesdays. 


6th - 9th Grade

Sixth through ninth graders choose from a variety of electives that encourage us to continue learning and living Jewishly. Past electives have included:

  • Jewish History through Synagogue Architecture
  • Musar (Jewish values) through Movies
  • Holocaust and Art
  • Engaging with Israel

Each lesson focuses on one (or more) of the three core components that make up TAG:

Torah: Torah at its core means Learning. Lessons for this component can include anything involving the acquisition of knowledge not had before, from history to contemporary issues, using Jewish texts to understand the world around us.

Avodah: Avodah can be rendered as Holy Engagement. Lessons for this component can include greater examination of our liturgy and prayers, comparative Judaism, Reform Jewish History, etc.

G'milut Chasadim: G’milut Chasadim translates to Acts of Loving-Kindness, an area we often define as social action. Lessons for this component can include Tikkun Olam Seminars (class-directed projects) or explorations of contemporary social action or social justice issues.

10th Grade

Confirmation is a special track designed for our tenth graders in their last year of formal Jewish education.

Throughout the course of the confirmation year, students undertake a more intensive and in-depth course of study, take a class trip (past adventures have included Civil Rights tours, visiting the Religious Action Center in Washington, DC, and lobbying federal and state politicians), and complete a group project.

Our 5783 class created Chai Member Interview Project, which you can see here.

Confirmation culminates with a service during which our students take leadership roles and share their thoughts on what Judaism means for them and their lives.