Pre-K through 5th Grade

Sunday morning is a great time to be at Beth Torah! Our young learners and their families pray and learn together in a myriad of ways each and every week.

Here is what a typical morning at WRS looks like:

  • 9:30 Family T’filah (Worship)– the whole community (our learners and their grown-ups!) gathers in the sanctuary for a weekday morning service led by Rabbi Cattapan and Miss Lezlie. We explore our prayers through a mixture of Hebrew, English, and song, as well as how our tradition teaches us to be our personal best.
  • 10:10 Grown-ups return to the ulam and spend the morning time utilizing our Wi-Fi to catch up on work, socialize with other families, head off to a committee meeting, or attend an adult learning class.
  • 10:00 Grown-ups gather in the Memorial Room to say kaddish (memorial prayer) for loved ones.
  • 10:00 Young learners are off to class! Our grade-level classes are fun and engaging for all! We learn about Jewish culture, traditions, and how to live a Jewish life. Throughout the morning classes travel to some of our wonderful specials: art, music, library, and Hebrew-through-movement. There’s so much to fit into just one day!
  • 12:00 Our learners are released back to their families!